The Classic Lectures
By the mere fact of people looking at this truth, finding these things were true, applying these things and achieving a higher state of existence, you would inevitably get a calmer life, a calmer environment, a calmer civilization. —L. Ron Hubbard
The world may define a classic as “a literary work of the first rank and acknowledged excellence,” but the Classics of L. Ron Hubbard redefine the word. Each one is a jewel in itself, mined from the riches of Mr. Hubbard’s recorded wisdom—the only chronological record of the breakthroughs that resolved both the universe and life itself.
Spanning the entire length and breadth of Scientology, the Classics cover everything from the subjects of life and livingness to infinite abilities, and from the facts of life on the streets of Earth to the facts of life in the ageless past. In short, here are the fundamental lectures L. Ron Hubbard wanted you to hear—to understand your life and your own role in eternity.
Twenty-six of the Classics provide an ideal introduction for people new to Scientology, while all 52 offer indispensable data for the Scientologist.
The Classics
for Beginning & Veteran Scientologists
- The Story of Dianetics & Scientology
- Introduction to Dianetics
- Study & Education
- The Dynamics
- History of Clearing
- Differences between Scientology & Other Philosophies
- The Wrong Thing to Do Is Nothing
- The Hope of Man
- Scientology, Its General Background
- Games
- Scientology & Ability
- Increasing Efficiency
- On the Second Dynamic: Sex, Children & the Family
- Operation Manual for the Mind
- History of Research & Investigation
- The Soul: Good or Evil?
- The Machinery of the Mind
- Man’s Relentless Search
- Portions of You
- Aberration and the Handling Of
- The Deterioration of Liberty
- A Postulate out of a Golden Age
- Money
- The Control of Hysteria
- Conquest of the Physical Universe
- Help
The Classics for Veteran Scientologists
- Scientology Definitions Parts I, II & III
- Org Board & Livingness
- Definition of Organization
- Scientology & Effective Knowledge
- Scientology & Tradition
- Scientology Zero
- The Road to Truth
- The Five Conditions
- Leadership
- The Granting of Beingness
- Marriage
- Child Scientology
- The Free Being
- On Comprehending the Incomprehensible
- Principal Difference between Dianetics & Scientology
- Awareness of Awareness
- Something Can Be Done About It
- Confusion and Stable Data
- Uses of Scientology
- Randomity
- Project Third Dynamic
- Responsibility—How to Create a Third Dynamic
- Man the Animal & Man the God
- The Future of Scientology & the Western Civilization
- Survive & Succumb
- Your Scientology Orgs & What They Do for You